
Fall 2024 Electronic SET Form Administration

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Dear Colleagues,

It is time to prepare for the fall 2024 collection of electronic SET forms. SET form administration will take place from Dec. 2 through Dec. 13, 2024.

SET forms must be administered for every course for which students earn academic credit and must be completed during the class period in which the course is taught, as per the SET guidelines passed by the faculty and described in the faculty handbook. This requirement includes labs and other partial-credit courses.

The electronic SET forms will be available only for credit-bearing courses and only during the scheduled meeting time for each course. If you have a non-credit-earning course and would like to administer SETs, please contact Neil Albert (nalbert@colgate.edu). Student evaluations for study groups will be administered by the Office of Off-Campus Study, which will distribute instructions in a separate email.

The person who administers the SETs for a class must be someone other than a teaching faculty member for the course (e.g., faculty colleagues, etc.). Please refer to the attached document describing the steps for administering the SETs. In summary, the electronic SET form collection process should include the following steps:

  1. Read the introductory statement (see part 3. (A) in this ).
  2. Provide the link for the SETs to students ().
  3. Allow students 20 minutes to complete the SETs at the beginning of class.
    Inform teaching faculty member(s) when SET forms have been completed.

In the event that one or more students have forgotten an electronic device to complete the SET form, or if the network is unavailable during SET administration, this paper version of the SET form can be completed by the students and then entered into a form by ADC’s on or before Dec. 18, 2024.

Team-taught courses will also follow the electronic SET form collection and reporting process. Students in these courses will be directed to fill out the form for each professor, with the exception of a few questions; this is similar to the previous paper process.

If you experience any problems during the electronic SET administration, please call the ITS helpline at x7111 and choose option 1.

Thank you for your help in administering the electronic SET process. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact either of us.


Douglas Johnson, Dean of Academic and Curricular Affairs
Tammy Still, Assistant to the Provost and Dean of Faculty