
Russia Export Data

Russia Export Data

Russia export data includes authoritative and detailed information of containers which depart from the country via all modes of transport. With Russia export statistics, you can analyze flow of goods, discover potential industries to expand your business, find reliable trade partners, monitor competitor’s shipments and explore a lot more growth-oriented milestones. Russia export data contains wide-ranging columns such as Date, HS Code, Product Description, Exporter Name, Exporter Address, Importer Name, Importer Address, Declarant Name, Declarant Address, Manufacturer Name, Origin Country, Destination Country, Gross Weight (KG), Net Weight (KG) and Invoice Value (RUB).

Find how Russia Export Data is Useful

Russia customs data is useful to importers, exporters, logistics companies, market research companies, financial institutions, media groups, sales & marketing teams and other businesses to take data-driven decisions.

  • Get qualified list of Russian exporters with their shipment details and find active business partners
  • Russia export statistics help you identify new & potential industries for future growth.
  • Transportation & logistics providers use Russia trade data to find the best prospects.
  • Monitor every trade activity of your competitors by analysing their trade information at shipment level.
  • Use the best, accurate and up-to-date Russia export data in your research on Russian market and deliver better results.
  • Gain visibility into business of Russian export companies and reach them to promote your financial solutions & increase your sales.

Russia Export Data Sample

Russia export data include complete shipping information on Russian suppliers who export goods to the world. See samples and go through full list of columns available in Russia customs data.

Russia Import Sample

Date 04-May-2021
Russian Exporter Name Russian Exporter Address
Importer Name Importer Address
Declarant Name Declarant Address
Manufacturer Name
Departure Country Russia Origin Country Russia
Destination Country Republic of Georgia HS Code 101210000
Product Description Horse Sports, Live, Kabardin Breed
Point of Delivery of Goods Tbilisi
Currency Code USD Quantity of Items 7
Additional Unit PCS Gross Weight KG 1434
Net Weight KG 1434 Invoice Value 1550
Customs Value of Goods 116009.91 Statistical Value of Goods 1550

Russia Exports from June 2020 to May 2021

Russia export statistics show Russia exported goods the most in Dec 2020 and Apr 2021 during Jun 2020 to May 2021 period, while the lowest value recorded in August 2020. Check dollar amount of total goods exported by Russia in the given time period.

Russia Exports from June 2020 to May 2021
Month Value USD Billion
June 2020 24.8
July 2020 24.4
August 2020 23.9
September 2020 31.2
October 2020 28.5
November 2020 30.0
December 2020 35.7
January 2021 26.8
February 2021 29.5
March 2021 35.7
April 2021 35.5
May 2021 34.6

Russia’s Top 10 Export Categories

Russia’s top export category is mineral fuels & oils, which shared 42.1% to total exports in 2020. Check the list of Russia top 10 exports with their values in percentile.

Product Value USD %
Mineral Fuels & Oils 42.1
Pearls & Precious Stones 9.0
Iron and Steel 4.7
Cereals 2.7
Machinery, Mechanical Appliances, etc. 2.4
Wood & Articles 2.0
Fertilisers 1.6
Copper & Articles 1.6
Aluminium & Articles 1.3
Fish & Crustaceans 1.2

Russia’s Top 10 Export Categories

Russia’s Top 10 Export Partners

China stood as Russia’s export partner, with share in value of 14.6% reported in 2020. After China, Netherlands and United Kingdom are top export destinations. See and analyze share in values of Russia’s top 10 export partners.

Country Value USD %
China 14.6
Netherlands 7.4
United Kingdom 6.9
Germany 5.5
Belarus 4.7
Turkey 4.7
Kazakhstan 4.2
South Korea 3.7
United States 3.3
Italy 3.0

Russia’s Top 10 Export Partners

Major Russian Ports

Check the list of Russia’s major ports and also get port-wise Russia export data to analyze export shipments at various ports in Russia.

  • Novorossiysk
  • Samara
  • Saint Petersburg
  • Anapa
  • Adler
  • Arkhangelsk
  • Arman (Magadan)
  • Astrakhan
  • Azov
  • Balobanovo
  • Chaykovskiy
  • Cherepovets
  • Chelyabinsk
  • De-Kastri
  • Egvekinot
  • Magadan
  • Gelendzhik
  • Hatanga
  • Igarka
  • Yaroslavl
  • Tiksi
  • Baykal
  • Katya Ivanova
  • Kandalaksha
  • Kronshtadt
  • Kemerovo
  • Keret
  • Kogalym
  • Kholmsk
  • Lesogorsk
  • Lomonosov
  • Okha, Sakhalin
  • Rudnaya Pristan
  • Rostov-Na-Donu
  • Taganrog
  • Uglegorsk
  • Vassilevsky Ostrov/St Petersburg
  • Vnukovo Airport
  • Kolyma River
  • Lorino
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